Sundaes in Ithaca

Every city needs a claim to fame. Here in Ithaca our newest claim to fame is that we are the ‘birthplace of the ice cream sundae’. But as with everything else in Ithaca, there is a slight problem. Some town in Wisconsin also claims the same thing!!! So now the major of Ithaca (and quite frankly half the town) is trying to find evidence of when the first ice cream sundae was created.

Can you believe this?!?! This article in the Ithaca Journal totally cracked me up.
As my friend Mike would say…. “its not THAT serious!”

You gotta love small town USA.

1 Comment

  1. February 2, 2008 at 9:59 pm

    […] know Ithaca is always trying to claim something – remember the Sundae story?? Yeah. So, I said to the lady… ‘wow, I’ll have to google that and write about it […]

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