Electile Dysfunction

I just came across a Newsweek article entitled ‘Electile Dysfunction’ …which interestingly was written by a guy named Chris Dickey.  Now. I’m sure that Dickey knew what he was doing when he chose that title. ( I know it says eLectile but its still funny)

So basically what Dickey is saying is that McCain (and some crazy republicans) are a bit too gun happy and have nothing to say about diplomacy.  This is why they laugh at Barack … they have no concept of the REAL work involved.  J.Mac is like Scarface (and not in a good way)  … shoot first, ask questions later.

For most of the last eight years, “diplomacy” has been a word that President George W. Bush and his buddies in the White House locker room have made sound vaguely metrosexual, suggesting an effeminate tendency to talk instead of act, to agonize rather than attack. Diplomacy was something for (smirk) the French. Real men bombed Iraq.

Republican candidate John McCain unquestionably and unequivocally remains on Mars. And Democratic contender Barack Obama … well, it’s instructive to look at their official Web sites to see what each man has to say about that word “diplomacy.”

McCain doesn’t mention it. Not under the heading of “Iraq,” where it would seem prudent and indeed imperative to talk to that country’s neighbors; not under the heading “Border Security,” where it might seem logical to talk to this country’s neighbors, and not under the heading “National Security,” which, on Mars, is all about the virtues of military muscle-flexing: pumping up the size of the military and erecting missile shields.

The first time I went to J.Mac’s website was yesterday. (To confirm his Palin pick) but I”m shocked that he doesn’t even mention diplomacy.  If people out there think this man is going to be a good president they are so mistaken.  We can’t just bully our way through the world.  China is going to have our as$**s  (even more than they do now) if we don’t start building real relationships.

Read the article.

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