I came out of the mall today and found this car parked next to mine. (Yes, I did snap a picture with my phone camera).

Ithaca. Hillary. Obama. Vegitarian.  Yup.  That about sums it up.   Forget Unity, New Hampshire some people in Ithaca already have the Hillary- Obama unity thing down. By the way, I’m going to an Obama unity event this saturday… let you know how it goes.

I am Ithaca

.. Well… I’m not. But a whole lotta people are.

So how about for the last week, I’ve seen a sign posted on a fence near my house that said “Stand Up for Peace” Sunday, Stewart Park. I assumed it was yet another Ithaca Bush must go, bring our troops home rally. As much as I love those, I decided that it was too hot and rainy for me to spend my Sunday afternoon yelling about Bush with a group of very friendly, but wildly radical white rasta, tie-dyed hippies. Not my idea of Sunday fun… maybe on a Saturday tho. (Just kidding)

Imagine my surprise when I saw this…

It wasn’t a bash Bush rally at all. They were trying to break the Guiness record for largest peace sign. How wonderful. I love I-town sometimes. The word on the street is that the Guiness people haven’t made any decisions yet, but the Ithacans are hopeful. Keep your fingers crossed. We really need some excitement here. Of course having created the world’s largest peace sign will definitely bring in a lot of publicity. Just like being the home of the ice cream sundae. (Ok. I know that statement is drenched in sarcasm, but I’m only half playing. )

In addition to the “peace” making, this weekend was also the Ithaca Festival. This year’s theme was I am Ithaca. I’m still not sure what it was all supposed to mean. When I strolled through the festival I didn’t see anything different than I did last year, or the year before that. Same craft vendors, wine booths, thai and laotian food… same old same old. Maybe THAT is ithaca.. “same old same old” LOL. Seriously, I was only at the festival for an hour – so you may not want to take my word for it.

Here is the newspaper coverage from the Ithaca Journal.


Well boys and girls… allow me to depart from my political rants for a moment to talk about something even more exciting …

Believe it or not, I was one of the thousands of women in America that rushed to the theaters last night for the premiere of the Sex and the City movie. Though I must say, I didn’t get all dolled up in a sundress and high heels like some people did. I mean really.. heels for a movie premiere in small town USA?? That’s a bit much.

The funny thing is that walking up to the theater, not only were there the clickity-clack of cheap heels but it seemed half the people came as quartets. A Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, Samantha in every group. It was too cute. (Which are you most like? … which am I most like??)

Unfortunately, the quartet I was part of got to the theather late and found the place PACKED. We couldn’t even sit together after all of the “we need to get tickets and get there early” planning. So I found myself a lonely seat in a crowded theather all because I didn’t want to sit in the front row. LOL. I had to crawl over like 3 quartets to get to the seat but I didn’t care. It was high up!

Lonely seat and all… the movie was fabulous! Absolutely fabulous. It had a lotta SATC comedy, lotsa cute clothes, whole lotta sex (like real HBO sex), a bit of drama, some tears, Jennifer Hudson (love her) and a lot of love. I could definitely see the movie again even though last week I was on a ‘wait til dvd’ tip.

Truth be told, I really haven’t been doing very well with my summer movie selections this year. I didn’t want to see Iron Man cause I hate Robert Downey Jr. but the movie was very good. I wanted to see the new Narnia movie the minute it came out, but when I finally saw it last week, I hated it. (It was like a cross between Lord of the Rings and Shrek.. it just didn’t work for me) Imma just let other people decide which movies I see this summer. LOL.

But seriously, you should go see Sex and the City.

Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Rest of Us

People in Ithaca are very health conscious. They go to the farmers market, grow their own veggies etc etc. Forget soy and tofu. Since moving here,  I’ve learned about other meat substitutes like tempeh and seitan. For my part, I have moments where I live for days on rice and corn but then I have my other moments where I eat buffalo wings and bacon for lunch. I am far from converting to vegetarian – but I hope my future husband isn’t a big fan of beef or meat cause he may not get any at my house. (Hmm…wait… I better re-evaluate that statement)

I know what a vegitarian is – basically no meat. From their point of view…

. (its very PETA isn’t it?)

But I didn’t really get ‘vegan’ until this week. So during my trip to Phoenix I got to hang out with one of my colleagues who happens to be vegan. He’s told me before that being vegan basically means no animal products. Sounds simple but during our trip I kept asking stupid questions. One day they served fish for lunch. He said – “man, there is nothing on the buffet for me to eat” I said “Sure there is, you can just have fish”. DOH!! Ignorance.

Apparently no animal products REALLY means no animal products. No milk or cheese or anything dairy. No seafood, no meat, no chicken. No honey (they come from bees). No fur, or leather, or beeswax or any other animal products. Yup, its that serious. Here’s the wikipedia article on the topic.

Hmm… I wonder if there are any kosher vegans or Halaal vegetarians. I can’t even imagine. It must take a lot of discipline to live within these dietary restrictions – (enlightened food/religous/spiritual freedoms as some see it). I’m not sure I could handle the pressure of not easily finding something I can eat every time I step out.

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