Pathfinder Lady

There is a saying that we only use 10% of our brain. That may have been true before, but I think I may be down to about 6% now. I’ve stopped thinking. I’ve really stopped thinking.

Remember before cell phones when we actually had to remember peoples phone numbers? How long ago was that? Now the phone remembers and we hold on to it like life itself. Its kinda sad… I have more than 100 numbers in my phone and if it died, there are only 2 phone numbers I would remember. 2! How many would you remember?

You are probably wondering where all of this is coming from. Well! Let me tell you…
One of the best things about my car is the GPS system… I call it “the pathfinder lady”. (By the way, have you ever heard one with a male voice???) I appreciate the technology, but like my cell phone, ever since I got it, I’ve stopped thinking.

A while back, my cousin came to visit and asked me to give her a ride to the train station… a trip I made a million times when I lived in Baltimore. Instead of taking the time to think, I turned to the pathfinder lady. “Oh great and powerful pathfinder, take me where I want to go” In her sweet calming voice she said to me ” follow the highlighted route… then when possible, make a legal U-Turn Great, I thought. We are on our way.

20 minutes, 15 turns, and 10 very scary downtown Baltimore streets later, I was at a train station. But not the one I wanted. AAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHH! Pathfinder Lady brought me to the wrong place! LOL. After I finally got to the right place, my cousin (who nearly missed her train) turned to me and said ” the GPS is great, but it only works if you know where you are going. Ent that the truth! You gotta love family! Thanks Cuz. 🙂

Itha- what?!?

Unlike my previous office, which had a splendid view of the ladies room, my new office has 2 large windows, so I can comfortably experience the Ithaca crazy weather all day long.

Before I moved, I remember everyone saying – “gosh it’s gonna be cold up there.” Well.. they were partially right. It is cold. But its a lot of other things too. The weather here is so interesting that its has a name… “Ithacating

Hmm.. How can I explain this phenomenon?!? Well…

In Novemeber it was rainy, very rainy. For a while it seemed to rain every Tuesday from 10:30 til 2:00. Then the sun would come out. Sometimes it seemed like it was sunny and rainy at the same time!! That’s Ithacating.

In December and January we had some snow. 2 different 5″ storms … which around here, is ‘nothing’. Definitely not the Tom Tasslemeyer breaking news event it is in Baltimore.

Now, we are getting some rain, a lot of wind, some sun, and a few squalls (quick 10 minute blizzards) sometimes all of that happens in the span of an hour! It’s Ithacating.

The locals say that summertime here is going to be beautiful. No one has mentioned spring, but I’m sure it will be even more ithacating.


The First Word

When I left Baltimore I kept joking about starting a blog called ‘my simple life in ithaca’. It only took 4 months, but finally here it is.

I should start by telling you where I am. Ithaca. Ith-a-ca. (I know… kind of gets stuck in your mouth). Basically, Ithaca is close to a lot and close to nothing all at the same time.

Its in the Finger Lakes area of central New York. 5 hours from NYC, 4 hours from Toronto, 3 hours from Buffalo, 3 hours from Niagara Falls, 2 hours from Rochester, and an hour from Syracuse.

Its funny I’m just as close to Baltimore as I am to New York City. So if I’m spending 5 hours driving, chances are… I’m going to Bmore.

Ithaca has its own thing going though. Mainly….. Water and Wine. People in town have green bumper stickers that say ‘Ithaca is Gorges’ because of all the gorges in town. Apparently there are over 100 waterfalls in Ithaca. Can you imagine?!? 100.

And then there’s the wine. For some reason the soil here is similar to that of Napa Valley, California. So there are a few wineries in town. I’ve already been to one wine tasting party… and the wine season hasn’t even started.

Welcome to Ithaca.