Obama’s Prayer

I am always suprised at the things that bring me out of blog hibernation.  My man has been all over the world this week and you haven’t heard a peep from me.  John McCain has been grocery shopping and I didn’t even have a wise crack about that.  But this thing about Obama’s actual prayer at the Western Wall has really upset me.

So my man goes to Jerusalem, dawns a yamuka and puts his private prayer into the ‘Solomon’s Wall’ and someone pulls it out.  Ay ay ay.  This is just crazy.  Can’t Obama have ANY privacy?  His conversations with God now have to be public?

Any bet the words of the prayer are going to be plastered all over the blogosphere, but you are not going to find it here.  People are going to use his words to say whatever they want.  Some people are going to say ‘see I knew he was a Muslim’ because he asked the Lord to use him.

I really wonder if David Plouffe – Obama’s campaign manager and now a daily name in millions of email boxes across the country – figured the prayer would be public.  I really wonder.  Haven’t other famous people and dignitaries put in a prayer?  Were their prayers leaked?  Hmm…

Soooooo out of control.

The Other Presidential Candidates

Since Barack became the ‘presumptive democratic nominee’, J.Mac (my new name for John McCain) has been on a daily assault about the damn town hall meetings. He challenges Barack to meet him in a different mid-america city everyday. Out of control. We know you like the town halls “my friend” but seriously, give it a rest for a minute. You will get your town hall – ‘Rack ent scurred of you.

But my real question is this – why is it that J.Mac sent his town hall invite letter to just Barack? Why not the other candidates? Yeah – the other candidates. LOL. As a registered independent, I think I should give a little love to the independents running for office (cause they sho nuff don’t get no real press love).

Some people hate independent candidates because as they see it, indeps just distract us from the ‘real issues’ and the ‘real debate’. Where is the democracy in the Democracy we vehemently proclaim to be the world’s greatest when just one week ago we were staring in the face of 30 years! of Bush/Clinton?! Think about that.

I think the independents of the campaign should be allowed participate in all debates or town halls or whatever the heck J.Mac wants. We need to be challenged to think through the difficult issues cause truth be told, nothing is as cut and dry as Reps and Dems make it out to be.

So, who are these indeps anyway? Well, here’s the line up.

Cynthia yup. Cynthia McKinney is still out there and running on the Green Party ticket. Maybe she will ask Jared Ball to be her VP. That would be very colorful to say the least. By the way.. to all of those people who say Barack is getting the ‘black’ vote cause he black, why haven’t we all run to Cynthia? Technically, isn’t she ‘blacker’?? Hmm… (must be sexism)
anyway, here is cynthia’s website. http://www.runcynthiarun.org/

Ralph – the last time I saw Ralph Nader he was sitting on Tim Russert’s show announcing his candidacy. Some people still blame Ralph for Al Gore’s loss. LOL. Uhm uhm. Al had bigger issues than Ralph…namely, Bill … Clinton. But that is another sermon for another day. Seriously, Ralph has already picked his VP – and is moving full steam ahead with an all out ‘no-bama’ campaign. http://www.votenader.org/

Bob – you may not know Bob Barr, but he was one of the main ‘impeach clinton’ people back in the day. Apparently he is no longer a republican. (He pissed with Bush too) and is … running on the Libertarian ticket. CSPAN spent a day on the Libertarian party nomination meeting a couple of weeks ago and of course I spent part of my weekend watching it. LOL. I’m not really a big fan of Bob, but he will definitely have a few words for our favorite mainstream candidates. http://www.bobbarr2008.com/splash/?s0609

Ok. Bob’s website looks eerily like Barack’s. Why is everyone ALWAYS ragging on Barack and biting of him at every turn?!?! Ya’ll need to check that!)

Ron– I’m actually not sure if Ron Paul is still running for president, but his fans LOVE him and think he can give J.Mac a run for his money. Maybe he will join Bob Barr on the Libertarian ticket… hmm….

Dennis Kucinich is my Hero!

It has finally happened. The one thing we have been waiting for congress to do over the last 4 years! (Maybe even the last 8 years!) The Representative from Ohio – and former presidential candidate – Dennis Kucinich introduced a resolution to impeach Bush.

Resolved: That President George W. Bush be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate.

Thaaaaat’s riiiiigggghht!!! IMPEACH BUSH. The bumper sticker we all see and dream of may finally come true! Dear lawd. What a glorious day.

LOL. Ok Ok. I know its not going to come true. They are not going to impeach Bush. (or Chaney) The resolution is not going to pass the House or even get to the Senate. But the fact that Dennis said ‘funk, this!’. The fact that he has REALLY had enough of Bush and decided to introduce this resolution even after Nancy Pelosi kibashed all impeachment resolutions 2 minutes after she became the Speaker of the House. Good for you Dennis.

Man – a year ago I wrote this about Dennis…

Dennis Kucinich – for some reason this guy reminds me of Ross Perot. But unlike Ross, Dennis is a registered Democrat. The people who know him say he would be a great president. But sadly, he gets no air time, so no one knows him. All I know is that he is a rep from Ohio who has been against this darn war from jump. Hmm.. maybe I’ll check out his website to see what he is all about.

I never did check out his website. Instead I read Barack’s books. LOL. I still love Barack, but for a minute I’m going to gush over Dennis.

Your boy has hutspah. The resolution says:

In his conduct while President of the United States, George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has committed the following abuses of power: …….



35 articles of pure gold. He put all of Bush’s nonsense out there. About the lies, the war, and how Bush operatives colluded to disenfranchise Ohio voters so he could steal the 2004 election. With evidence and details and everything. Read the whole thing for yourself.

Thank you Dennis. ‘ppreciate it!!

Don’t Be Excited for Nothing

To the long standing Barack supporters and the newly-enlightened doubters who have been texting me to say how excited you are about ‘your boy’ Barack and the ‘historical moment’ I say to you, thank you. Barack appreciates your excitement, but please, don’t let your excitement go to waste. We can’t take this opportunity for granted.

All of our wahoo-ing will be for nothing if we don’t help Barack get to the white house. I know there are some of you out there who say and believe that ‘white people like Barack now, but they will never vote for him in the general election’. I think that is a cop -out. I say to you, stop with the racist mentality and DO SOMETHING.

If you sit on assess and do nothing to help Barack, I don’t want to hear your racism whines if Barack doesn’t win. Barack says that when he is president he is going to ask us to work … to actually participate in the democratic process. We need to start now.

I rarely ask people to do things, (no, its true LOL) but I am asking you now to do 3 things.

If you are as excited about Barack as you say you are…

1. Educate Yourself. Please go to Barack’s website and read his positions on the issues that are important to you. Some people say Barack is all talk, but if you take the time to educate yourself you will find that is far from true.

2. Donate…and Donate Often. You may think Barack is well known, but John McCain has been campaigning for the presidency for over 8 years! We have to help Barack get his name out there…And pay all of those good people working on his campaign. Even if you can donate $5, we will take it. You give $5 and then get 10 of your friends to match your donation… you get the idea. 🙂

3. Get Involved. Talk about Barack, volunteer, make phone calls, knock on doors…. etc etc.

You are probably thinking that I sound like I work for the Obama 08 campaign. LOL. I think I sound like that too. But I do believe seriously that we need to get involved to win this general election. Barack has brought us this far… the rest is up to us!


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